Monday, May 08, 2006

Lag B'omer

I was thinking, so I thought I'd post. I went home for Pesach and came back via L.A. and crossed the Pacific Ocean. Basically that means I missed a day, this makes counting the Omer a little complicated, being that I am one day behind everyone else. The hole world will celebrate Shavous on Friday and Shabbos besides for me {and a few other select individuals [some loosing a day some gaining a day]} I will be celebrating the holiday on Shabbos and Sunday. Now here is what I was thinking about. Being that I am a day behind counting 21 when everyone else counts 22 and counting 32 when everyone else counts 33. Can I partake in the festivities of Lag B'omer if its Lev B'omer for me?


Anonymous said...

shabbos and sunday? you should keep 3 days. friday is still shavuos is it not?

kinglit said...

Well, different halachic authorities hold differently, and being that we are in the omer, and especially since this week is parshas Emor. We know that 24000 students of Rabi Akiva died because they disregarded the other rabbis opinion. Also the Rebbe says about Emor that the power of speech is very great because when one person thinks the thought stays in his head but when he speaks others can know and gain from it. When you speak about someone it has an effect on him physically weather positive or negative.
I therefore do not want to knock anyone. But, I got to put on Tefilin on Friday. So, in answer to your question about Friday the answer is kind of.

kinglit said...

The correct answer is actally very simple. The reason we party is becouse the students of Rabi Akiva stopped dieing and becouse RSB'Y said that on his yartziet he should not mourn but rather enjoy. As you intellegent folks may have relized both of these events have little todo with Lag B'omer but are conected to the 18th of Iyar which happens to coinside with the 33rd of the omer evey year. But the music,Hair cutting, lack of new clothing and the others are permitted on the 18th of Iyar.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Of course as usual different rabbis say different thing, but I have to respectfully disagree with you. I must ask, did you actually get someone to to pasken that you should only keep Shabbos and Sunday or is it one of your own ideas? Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be rude or anything its just that I I have never heard anyone pasken (lubavitch or otherwise and in Australia or anywhere else) that one should keep Shabbos and Sunday and not Friday in such a situation. I know lubavitchers especially prefer to travel the long way around during sefira to avoid this problem, and I totally understand that, and if you want to keep sunday it's fine if you wish to be chomur, but not to keep Friday at all?!? Based on that logic you should be keeping Shabbos on Fridays and have Shabbos as a weekday. As a sidenote, seeing you won't be keeping shavuos on Friday, what else are you going to do besides tefillin? Drive? Computers? Telephones? Or will you not in public due to maaris ha'ayin? I'm flabbergasted.

Anonymous said...

well lubavitch is one of the only sects that hold this way. the reason shavout is pushed of and not shabbos is becouse shabbos is a day of the week and if you miss a day its the next day not the day before but when your counting days and you miss one then you never counted it and are now behind.
and i would never passken such a thing on my own accord.
also according to the rabonim i consulted the only thing i was able to do was tefilin other things were still muktza ad the tefilin had t obe put on ina private place behind closed doors